
Hotel engineering hands to teach you fire commissioning, operation, and acceptance delivery

(1) Pre-power preparations

1, according to the system design drawings to check whether the system installation meets the design requirements.

2, check the system line, the wrong line, open circuit, short circuit, virtual welding, etc. to deal with, to ensure that the line is normal.

3, the detection system line ground insulation resistance and system ground whether to meet the “fire automatic alarm system construction and acceptance specifications” requirements, the ground insulation resistance is not less than 20 mega-home, the ground resistance can not be greater than 4 ohms when using special ground, the use of joint ground when the ground wire ground resistance can not be greater than 1 ohm.

4, respectively, the alarm (linkage) controller, fire display disk, broadcast intercom, fire-specific computer, power supply, and other equipment one by one to power up and check, normal after the system debugging.


(2) Power-on commissioning

The commissioning of automatic fire alarm system and linkage system mainly includes the connection, login, preparation of linkage relationship and input and analog fire signal check whether each system is executed according to the logical relationship of the establishment. The process is divided into the following steps:

Step 1:Loop division

The alarm system is divided into areas (loops) according to the number of control panel circuits, and the circuit bus is permanently clearly marked. Mark all relevant location changes, increases, and decreases in the number of design changes that occur during construction on the as-built drawing so that no omissions occur in the next step.


Step 2:Address

The address number of the detector and module is indicated on the drawing, and the detector and various modules (monitoring and control modules) are encoded according to the drawing to ensure that the installed detector and module are coded following the number indicated on the drawing. To install by the address has been set for installation, to prevent the installation of the device address error, and the address number is also for the preparation of linkage for the linkage device logic input number. After setting the address number, the name of the device installation position is calibrated according to the requirements of the equipment condition (some alarm controllers can display the name of the Chinese of the alarm point) so that the alarm controller can display the name of the alarm point. Note: Smart detectors and modules have the online write address function, because the line may have a broken, short, wrong line and other line problems, making it difficult to write an online address. Therefore, it is recommended to write down the address of the detector and module before installing it, which can improve the debugging efficiency.


Step 3:Programming

The Engineering Address Coding Table is organized according to the numbering of the detector and various modules, and the display relationship, system information, and linkage are programmed according to the Engineering Address Coding Table and the control requirements of the system fire protection equipment (common linkages are shown in the appendix).


Step 4:Connect to the alarm bus

Check and record the insulation impedance of the line again to meet the specification requirements. After measuring the DC voltage (confirming that the external line does not interfere with the voltage introduced into the system) between all external lines, between the external lines and the earth, and after confirming that the load of the system does not exceed the required capacity of the system, the bus can be connected to the controller (not 24V power cord, broadcast line, fire intercom line first). Drop the bus on the access controller to make a permanent obvious mark. Note: It is strictly forbidden to connect unchecked lines to the host. The wiring should be secure, each contact can not be connected to more than two wire connectors, the terminal head can not have obvious fork phenomenon, all lines and wire heads should have permanent numbering or marking, the guide should be classified and tied neatly, the overall wiring should be described beautiful, meet the specification requirements. The access line holes in the host should be blocked to prevent foreign objects from entering. The controller and power supply must be switched off when wiring.


Step 5:Power on, troubleshoot

Turn on the controller’s main power first, and then turn on the power to power up the operation. The initial power-up operation, the system may be fault or fire, can be used to eliminate line failure, equipment open circuit failure, detector failure, module failure, etc., after external troubleshooting, can be carried out after the work.


Common bus equipment failures and how to handle them are listed below:

· All addresses are reported as faulty


Possible causes: Loop bus is not connected to the controller, the bus line is broken, bus polarity is reversed.


Solution: Correct the line.


· Several addresses reported a failure


Possible causes: coding errors, line breaks, equipment damage.

Solution: Check the bus connection of the faulty address for errors;

Check that the fault address is coded correctly;

If the fault address in the area monitoring module, check whether the module is in the feedback line fault state;

If the fault address is a zone repeater, check that the wiring connecting the repeater is correct and that the terminal is connected correctly.


· Several addresses are reported as fire alarms or linkage actions


Possible cause: For area, repeaters may be feedback input termination error or short circuit;

For the area monitoring module may be controlled equipment has been on-site action;

For manual alarm buttons it may be that the hand is reported to be in a fire alarm state (the glass piece is pressed or is not in the correct position) or damaged;

For photoelectric smoke detectors the detector may be heavily contaminated;

For temperature-sensing detectors, the device may be faulty or damaged.

Solution: Check that the feedback input connection of the module is correct;

Check whether the device is moving live and reset;

Check whether the detector and manual alarm button are in the fire alarm state;

Replace damaged or heavily contaminated equipment.


· Open circuit failure


Possible cause: The device line is disconnected and the terminal is not connected.

Solution: Check the line connection is incorrect;

Whether the terminal of the input and feedback signal is connected.


Step 6:Check the 24V power cord of the external line of the module, manually start the control module of the external device, check the resistance between the 24V power cords, and ensure that there is no short circuit between the lines;

Check the ground insulation resistance of the 24V power cord to ensure that the line-to-ground insulation resistance meets the specifications.

Description: With the increase in the number of start-up modules, inter-line resistance will gradually decrease, sometimes it is necessary to start the module batch, layering or sub-device type, and then check the inter-line resistance, check after a part of the reset, reset and then check the next part;

Check the line-to-ground insulation resistance with a 500V rocker and inaccurate insulation resistance tested with a range of 20MΩ and below. Disconnect the external fire broadcast line, manually start the broadcast control module, check the resistance between the broadcast lines, ensure that there is no short circuit between the lines, check the ground insulation resistance of the broadcast line, ensure that the line-to-ground insulation resistance meets the specification requirements. Description: With the increase in the number of start-up modules, the number of speakers is also increasing, inter-line resistance will gradually decrease, sometimes need to start the module layer by layer, layer by layer of the inspection line resistance, each check one layer, reset on the controller, reset and then start another layer until the inspection is completed.


Step 7:Connect the 24V power cord, the broadcast line to the 24V power cord, and the fire broadcast line, set the controller to manual state, start all the linkage equipment one by one, ensure that the equipment starts following the specification requirements, ensure that the location of the equipment and drawings consistent, can not start, inconsistent places to be modified until the system is all normal.


Step 8:Alarm test to the detector, hand report, monitoring module, and other alarm points one by one simulation alarm test, to ensure that each point can be a normal alarm, and its position and alarm plan consistent, for non-alarm and false alarm equipment to be processed and re-tested promptly;

The location and equipment that are not correct should be modified to ensure consistency. Description: Alarm points have a sense of smoke, temperature, hand report, fire hydrant, water flow indicator, signal valve, pressure switch, and so on.


Step 9:The linkage test sets the controller to the automatic state and simulates the fire alarm test on the alarm point

Check whether all kinds of direct output equipment actions are carried out following the set conditions, and modify the non-conforming places until all are correct;

Check that the linkage of the controlled equipment meets the linkage control requirements and modify the non-conformity until all are correct.


(3) Operation, acceptance

After the simulation alarm and linkage test of the system are completed, the power operation of the system should be carried out, and construction is strictly prohibited during the operation to ensure the safety of the system.

After 120 hours of trouble-free operation of the system, complete the Project Commissioning Completion Order for acceptance.

During the acceptance process, the user can check the installation and commissioning of the project according to the recorded contents of the “Engineering Debugging Completion Order” in the appendix, and confirm that the requirements of the national specifications are met.

Appendixes commonly use linkage logic relationships

Following the requirements of the relevant national fire regulations, the preparation will now be commonly used in high-rise buildings of the linkage principles provided as follows:


1, fire hydrant system:

Fire hydrant manual alarm button action → Fire pump start signal (or fault signal, refers to fire pump failure) is fed back to the fire control room (shown in the alarm controller or linkage controller).

The fire control room manually starts the fire pump → Fire pump start signal (or fault signal, refers to fire pump power failure) is fed back to the fire control room (shown in the alarm controller or linkage controller).

The manual start fire pump is divided into the use of a multi-wire system direct start fire pump and through the alarm linkage controller manual start fire pump output module (control module) two ways, depending on the design.


2, automatic sprinkler system:

The linkage of the automatic sprinkler system is as follows:

Water Flow Approver Action Signals ” and ” Pressure Switch Action Signals → Start the spray pump.

Water flow indicator action → feedback signal to the fire control room (alarm linkage controller shows water flow approver action signal).

Pressure switch action → Feedback signal to the fire control room (alarm linkage controller shows pressure switch action signal).

Spray pump starts signal (or fault signal, refers to spray pump power failure) is fed back to the fire control room (shown in the alarm controller or linkage controller).

The fire control room manually starts spray pump → spray pump start signal (or fault signal, refers to spray pump power failure) feedback to the fire control room (shown in the alarm controller or linkage controller). The manual start spray pump is divided into the use of a multi-wire system direct start spray pump and through the alarm linkage controller manually start spray pump output module (control module) two ways, depending on the design.


3, anti-smoke system:

The linkage of the mechanical positive pressure air delivery system is as follows:

Detector alarm signal” or “manual alarm button alarm signal → Open the positive pressure air vent → The positive pressure air vent opens the signal → start the positive pressure blower.

The number of open-air vents at positive pressure can be set according to the following requirements:

1) The opening of the positive pressure air intake in the smoke-proof stairwell shall make the whole stairwell open so that the whole stairwell will form a uniform positive pressure;

2) The opening of the positive pressure air vents in the front room shall be opened following the evacuation order, i.e. the positive pressure air vents of the lower and lower layers of the alarm layer shall be opened.


Signal return requirements:

1) The fire control room (alarm controller or linkage controller) shows the positive pressure air outlet on;

2) The fire control room (alarm controller or linkage controller) shows the operating status of the positive pressure blower.

The fire control room manual starts positive pressure blower is divided into the use of multi-wire system direct start and through the alarm linkage controller manual start positive pressure fan output module (control module) two ways, depending on the design.

The linkage logic relationship of the smoke exhaust system:

Detector alarm signal in the exhaust zone or manual alarm button alarm signal in the exhaust zone → Start the exhaust port (open) of the exhaust area→ The exhaust vent opens the signal to start the exhaust fan (or to activate the smoke exhaust fan at high speed).

Line up at the entrance of the smoke fan for the closing signal of the smoke fire valve (280 degrees C) → to stop the smoke exhaust machine in the relevant area.


Signal return requirements:

1) Fire control room (alarm controller or linkage controller) shows the open status of the exhaust pipe;

2) Fire control room (alarm controller or linkage controller) shows the operating status of the exhaust fan;

3) The fire control room (alarm controller or linkage controller) shows the fire valve closing status.

Fire control room manual start exhaust fan is divided into the use of multi-wire system direct start and through the alarm linkage controller manual start exhaust fan output module (control module) two ways, depending on the design.


4, fire curtain door linkage logic relationship is as follows:

1) Fire curtain doors for fire separation only do not make two-step landings.

Smoke detector alarm signal → Start fire curtain door drop Output module control fire curtain door drop, in the end, → fire curtain door lower The limit signal is fed back to the fire control room via the input module (the fire alarm controller shows the fire curtain door closing signal).

2) Fire curtain doors used on evacuation passages

The fire curtain door used on the evacuation passage should be lowered in two steps, and its linkage is as follows:

Smoke detector alarm signal installed on both sides of the fire curtain door → Starts the fire curtain door step down output module to make the fire curtain door drop after the one-step stop when installed on both sides of the fire curtain door temperature detector to send an alarm signal → Start the fire curtain door two-step drop output module to make the fire curtain door land to the end.


5, fire alarm and fire accident broadcast linkage:

Fire alarm in high-rise buildings mainly refers to the sound and light alarm, with automatically opened sound and light alarm, its opening order, and fire accident broadcasting order are the same. In the automatic alarm system, the linkage of the open sound and light alarm and the fire accident broadcast and linkage relationship is as follows:

Manual alarm buttons or two fire detector alarm signals and → Start the acoustic and optical alarm, fire accident broadcast output module→ connect the husk light alarm power supply, connect the fire accident broadcast line. Fire alarms and fire incident broadcasts in high-rise buildings are broadcast in the following order:

1) When a fire occurs on the 2nd floor and above, it is advisable to connect the fire layer and its adjacent upper and lower floors;

2) When a fire occurs on the first floor, it is advisable to connect the first layer,2 floors, and underground layers;

3) When a fire occurs in the basement, it is advisable to connect the underground floors and the first floor first. If there is a large sharing between the first tier and the 2 levels, the 2 layers should be included.


6, fire elevator linkage is as follows:

Manual alarm button ” or “two detector alarm signals” and “→ start fire elevator strong drop output module action → fire elevator strong down the first floor and return a signal to the fire control room. The best way for fire elevators is to manually force down in the fire control room.


7, non-fire power switch:

The logic relationship between non-fire power switching is as follows: manual alarm button or two detector alarm signals and → start non-fire power switch output module action → The module activates the circuit breaker (air switch) trip mechanism To trip the breaker (air switch) to cut off the non-fire power supply.

The best way to remove non-fire power sources should be to remove them manually in the fire control room.


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