
Home renovation project management plan(Project time planning Gantt chart, project duration planning control, project human resource management, cost control)

Home renovation project management plan(Project time planning Gantt chart, project duration planning control, project human resource management, cost control

V. Project time plan Gantt diagram

Sixth, project duration planning control

At the beginning of the project, we had to develop detailed scope management, which could not delay the construction of the subsequent work because of the loopholes in the scope recognition. So the first step to do a good job of duration management is to do a good job of scope management. Once the project is implemented, the project process must be strictly controlled to ensure that the project can be carried out and completed according to the project duration plan. In fact, project implementation and project planning progress is often inconsistent, once the gap between the two exceeds the control standards, it is necessary to take corrective measures. Based on the project duration plan document, the project duration plan implementation report, the request for project duration change, and the planning arrangement of project duration management, we have made the following project duration plan control:

1. Pre-control. If there are various unexpected accidents resulting in delays or advance needs, such as the owner proposed to modify the decoration program, or the construction party due to equipment, materials or personnel can not be in place in time for the situation need to delay the start of work, or some materials arrived early and need to start ahead of schedule. We need to communicate effectively with the owners and then do our best to coordinate the settlement and ensure that the planned schedule starts. But if it is an objective and irresistible factor, then we can only actively coordinate the other party, persuade it to agree to an extension or early start, and then extend the entire duration backward or forward. Our budget is obviously much shorter than the time frame given by the owners, so we need to inform the owners that we need to speed up our progress while maintaining quality because our company is going to survive.

2. Control of performance measures for project duration planning completion.  In the course of each phase of the work, to carry out timed inspection and acceptance, in strict accordance with our quality management program inspection, until the two sides reached a quality consensus. However, if serious problems arise in the work and affect the future use of housing, then only personnel can be arranged to amend, we can work overtime and other means to deal with without delaying the duration or not too long. In short, our goal is to speed up progress while ensuring quality.

3. Management control of project duration changes.

Seven, project human resources management

a Division of labor in the group

b The arrangements required for the personnel

Designers: understand the needs of the owners, determine the decoration budget, the actual measurement of the house, design the preliminary plan, communicate with the owners to modify the design plan, determine the program contract development personnel: draw up a contract, the owner to verify the contract, after the modification and formal contract with the owner

Material preparation personnel: to assist the owners to purchase materials, according to the procurement contract and procurement information to control the procurement process, carry out strict on-site inspection, and materials for the custody of engineering management personnel: demolition, water and electricity, roof, floor, wall and other projects related management supervision

Quality inspection personnel: according to the standard of the completed house acceptance, the owner signed a warranty agreement, clear the site, and the balance of the settlement

Risk Manager: Mainly responsible for the research and design of risk management system, risk management guidelines, standard development, and organizational implementation,

The compensation and recovery work of the project, the organization, and implementation of the collection of overdue funds, etc.

Cost budget

Eight cost control

The planned duration of the entire project is 41 days, with a total project budget of 200,000

First cost control calculation: The reality at the end of the 12th day after start-up is:

Project duration (calendar days): The work that was scheduled to be completed in 15 dayswas actually done

The actual cost of the project:$8230

Budget cost for the project:$4700

More than budgeted:$3530








This results in a difference in project costs

The CV is -2230, which means that the actual cost of the project is $2230  more than the earned value, which is a time issue related to project cost management.

The project schedule variance SV is 1300, which means that the project cost budget is an absolute difference of $1300 compared to the project earned value, which is the value difference related to project duration management and is a kind of engineering volume industry that is completed ahead of schedule due to good project engineering management performance.

The project cost performance index CPI is 0.729, which means that the actual cost of the actually completed job volume of the project is greater than the budgeted cost of the actual completed job volume of the project, and a metric less than 1 indicates a problem with project cost management, which may be due to early duration. To calculate the SCI index.

The project completion index SCI is 1.277, greater than 1, which excludes the impact of changes in project costs and measures the relative impact of changes in the actual amount of work on the actual cost of the project.  In summary, when the duration is up to 12 days, the work volume of the project is ahead of schedule, resulting in cost overruns, so try to avoid this in the next cost control.

Cost forecast:

The first scenario: according to the existing CPU and SCI index to predict the future of project costs EAC -ACWP plus (BAC-EV)/ CPI   274347.970 yuan

The second scenario: to predict the future of project costs based on actual conditions and new constraints and assumptions:EAC-ACWP-EV: 8230 plus(200,000-6000)- 202230 yuan

Second cost control calculation: The actual situation at the end of the 25th day after start-up is:  Project duration (calendar days): The work that was scheduled to be completed in 26 days was actually done

Actual cost of the project:$117,000  Project budget cost:120,000

Meta less than budgeted:3000 yuan








“The resulting project cost variance of CV is 2500, which means that the actual cost of the project is $2500 less than earned.”  

The project schedule variance SV is 500, which means that the project cost budget is an absolute difference of $500 compared to the project earned value, which is the value difference related to project duration management and is a performance of the amount of work completed ahead of schedule due to good project management.

The project cost performance index CPI is 1.0299, which means that the actual cost of the actually completed job volume of the project is smaller than the budgeted cost of the actually completed job volume of the project, and this indicator is greater than 1, indicating that the project cost management is good.  To sum up, the duration is 25

Day, the project’s work volume is ahead of schedule, the cost is also under control not over budget.

Cost forecast:

First case: The future of project costs is predicted based on the existing CPI and SCI indices:

EAC-ACWP-PLUS (BAC-EV)/ CPI s 117000 s(200000-120500)/ 1.0299 s 194191.96 yuan

Second: Forecast the future of project costs based on actual conditions and new constraints and assumptions:

EAC-ACWP-plus (BAC-EV)  -117,000 plus(200,000-120500)- 196500 yuan


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