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University property logistics management all-round operation manual

University property logistics management all-round operation manual

The first is Integrated Management

Chapter 1 A comprehensive introduction to the project

Chapter II Service Center Run Frame 3

Chapter 3 Employee Management 4

First, the employee recruitment assessment process 4

Second, workplace discipline 5

Third, staff learning and development 15

Four, assessment management 20

Chapter 4 Emergency Incident Reporting System 27

I. Event Classification 27

Second, event level classification 27

Event Report 29

Four, event handling 30

V. By-laws 31

Chapter 5 Archives Management 32

Chapter 6 Conference Management 35

Chapter 7 Financial Management 41

The second article, Engineering Management

Chapter 1 Introduction 55

First, the overall situation of campus power operation 55

(1) Distribution room 55

(ii) Boiler room 56

(iii) Living pump room 56

(iv) Zhongshui Station 57

(v) Heat exchange station 57

(vi) Elevator 58

(7) Air conditioning 58

Second, the overall maintenance profile 59

Third, the overall situation of the energy-saving platform system 60

Fourth, the Ministry of Engineering organizational structure diagram 60

V. Campus Power Operation Architecture Figure 61

(1) Distribution architecture figure 61

(2) Boiler heating operation structure figure 62

(iii) Water Operation Architecture Figure 63

Chapter II Management System 64

First, the engineering department of each post responsibilities 64

(1) Manager’s position responsibilities 64

(2) Deputy Manager’s Responsibilities 65

(4) Comprehensive maintenance supervisor’s post responsibilities 66

(5) Comprehensive operation of the post responsibilities of the supervisor 67

Regulation  68

(1) High and low voltage power distribution management system 68

(2) Boiler room management system 84

(iii) Pump room management system 94

(4) Waterhouse management system 97

(v) Heat exchange station management system 102

(vi) Elevator management system 105

(7) Air conditioning management system 107

(viii) Maintenance management system 111

(9) Energy-saving platform post responsibilities and management system 120

(10) Employee appraisal system 123

Chapter III Emergency Plan 135

First, gas leak emergency plan 135

Second, power distribution room fire emergency plan 135

Third, elevator trapped incident emergency plan 143

Four, two-way water supply suddenly stopped water emergency plan 146

Emergency plan for public health emergencies in drinking water 147

Emergency plan for secondary water supply pollution incident 149

Seven, flood prevention emergency plan 151

Eight, snow-sweeping emergency plan 153

Chapter 4 Run Record 155

First, high-pressure, low-pressure operating details summary 155

Second, boiler operation details summary 156

Third, the operation details of the water station summary 156

Fourth, the operation of the living pump room detailed summary 157

V. Elevator operation details summary 157

Six, air conditioning operation details summary 157

Seven, other classes of operating details summary 158

Eight, commonly used single 158

The third article is Property Management

Chapter 1 Introduction, Organizational Structure 159

First, teaching building area property management services introduction 159

(1) Introduction to the management of classrooms and cleaning services in the teaching building area 159

Second, Shubo Apartment Profile 162

(i) Basic Profile 162 of Shubo Apartments

Iii. Library Profile 163

(i) Introduction to the Library 163

Fourth, the organizational framework figure 166

Chapter II Management System 167

First, job responsibilities 167

(1) Property Manager Position Responsibilities 167

(2) Property director’s duties 167

(iii) Cleaning group leader’s post responsibilities 168

(4) Cleaning staff post responsibilities 169

(v) Classroom administrator position responsibilities 170

(vi) Night classroom locker duties 171

(7) Duties of service personnel 172

(viii) The duties of the duties of the front desk attendant 173

(9) The duties of the temporary housing cleaner 173

Second, management system 174

(1) Supervisor Manager Inspection Standard 174

(ii) Regional supervisor inspection standard 175

(iii) Special inspection work standard 177

(4) Inspection management system 178

(v) Cleaning hygiene standard 179

(6) Regulations on the Administration of the Use of Air Conditioning in Classrooms 181

(7) Regulations on the Administration of Self-study Rooms 181

(8) Regulations on the Use of Cleaning Tools 182

(9) Regulations on the Administration of Picking Up Items 184

(10) Cleaning staff safety operation regulations 184

(11) Duty desk management system 185

(12) Shubo Apartment Temporary Bed Room Inspection Standard 187

(13) Library Health and Environmental Management 188

(14) Reward and punishment system 189

Third, workflow and process flowchart 194

(1) Teaching building management structure and process 194

(2) The management structure and process of cleaning of teaching buildings 195

(iii) Classroom borrowing workflow 196

(4) Classroom inspection workflow 197

(v) Classroom switch door management workflow 198

(vi) Classroom desks and chairs placement workflow 199

(7) Tables and chairs report loss workflow 200

(8) Reporting management process 201

(9) Borrow table and chair management process 202

(10) Borrow key workflow 203

(11) Key counting workflow 204

(12) Key damage handling process 205

(13) Shubo Apartment Management Structure and Operating Process 206

(14) Accommodation Management Process 207

(15) Conference service workflow 207

(16) Visit reception with process 209

(17) Waste disposal process 210

(18) Waste transportation process 210

Chapter III Emergency Plan 212

First, winter snow shovel ice emergency plan 212

Second, flood prevention emergency plan 215

Third, fire safety emergency plan 216

Fourth, teaching building emergency contingency plan 219

Chapter 4 Run Table 223

Article 4 Apartment Management

Chapter 1 Introduction to the Student Apartment Department 240

First, student apartment introduction 240

(i) General Profile of Student Apartments 240

Second, the organizational framework figure 245

Third, workflow run chart 246

Chapter II Management System 247

First, job responsibilities 247

(i) Responsibilities of the Student Apartment Department 247

(2) Responsibilities of each management line of the student apartment 248

(iii) Responsibilities for each position in the student apartment 252

Second, student apartment management rules system 266

(1) Students’ daily code of conduct guide 266

(2) The day-to-day management of employees 282

(iii) Assets management 290

(4) Student apartment workflow and operating norms 299

Chapter 3 Student Apartment Emergency Plan and Incident Level Classification 312

First, student apartment security emergency plan and process 312

(1) Student Apartment Fire Safety Inspection System 312

(ii) Principles for dealing with on-site problems in student apartments and typical problem-handling methods 315

(iii) Emergency response plan 318 for student apartments

(4) Student Apartment Fire Emergency Plan 325

(5) Emergency Plan for Health and Epidemic Prevention of Student Apartments 330

Second, student apartment incident reporting system 331

(a) Incident handling process and requirements 331

(2) Student apartment incident classification 333

Chapter 4 Student Apartment Run Record 336

First, the duty station regular record 336

Second, the general record of managers 336

Third, cleaning routine record 336

Fourth, maintenance routine record 336

V. Comprehensive general record 336

Article 5 Greening Management

Chapter 1 General Introduction to Campus Greening 338

First, campus greening profile 338

Second, campus greening management structure and operating process 338

Third, annual green maintenance schedule 338

Chapter 2 Job Responsibilities 340

First, the property department manager position responsibilities 340

Second, greening the position responsibility 340

Third, green monitor post responsibilities 341

Fourth, greening staff post responsibilities 341

Chapter III System Provisions and Process 343

First, Beijianda green conservation standard 343

Second, green maintenance workflow 343

Third, green conservation precautions 347

Fourth, green equipment management norms 347

V. Greening drug management system 354

Six, oil management system 357

Chapter 4 Gardening Standard Operating Procedure 360

First, lawn day-to-day management standard operating procedures 360

Second, Joe shrub maintenance standard operating procedures 371

Third, time flower maintenance standard operating procedures 374

Fourth, the standard operating procedures for the conservation of hedges 376

V. Standard operating procedures for indoor leaf-viewing plant management 379

Sixth, aquatic plant cultivation management standard operating procedures 382

Seven, bonsai management standard operating procedures 384

Eight, green implement operating standard operating procedures 392

Nine, residual flower treatment standard operating procedures 400

Ten, plant pest control standard operating procedures 404

XI. Standard operating procedures for disaster prevention of landscaping 415

12, green environment layout standard operating procedures 421

Thirteen, time flower cultivation standard operating procedures 425

Fourteen, leaf-watching plant cultivation management standard operating procedures 431

Fifteen, greening staff safety operating procedures 436

Chapter 5 Run Record 438

First, daily inspection work record 438

Second, equipment maintenance record 439

Third, gasoline use record 440

Fourth, green medicine into and out of the warehouse record 441

V. Equipment inspection record 442

The sixth piece of warehouse management

Chapter 1 Job Responsibilities 449

Warehouse Steward position responsibilities 449

Chapter II Treasury Management System 450

Warehouse Safety Management Regulation 450

Procurement System 451

Access management regulation 452

Material custody system 456

Fixed asset transfer system 460

Equipment, appliances borrowing system 461

Equipment scrap management system 463

Chapter III Warehouse Management Process 466

Procurement process 466

In-storage flowchart 467

Warehouse flowchart 468

Chapter 4 Laws and Regulations 469

Article 7 Cleaning Supplies Management

Chapter 1 Cleaning Supplies 534

I. Clean toilet spirit 534

Second, washing spirit 535

Third, bath cleaner 536

Iv, 84 disinfectant 537

V. Glass cleaner 539

Six, washing powder 540

Seven, dust push oil 541

Eight, white vinegar 541

Nine, degluing agent 543

Chapter II Protective Supplies 544

First, stainless steel brightener 544

Second, aromatic ball 544

Third, hand sanitizer 545

Four, sandalwood 546

V. Air freshener (aerosol type)547

Six, air freshener (solid)548

Chapter 3 Cleaning Tool 549

First, dust push (oily)549

Second, glass scrape 550

Third, vacuum cleaner 550

Four, multi-functional vacuuming machine 552

Fifth, the washing machine 554

Six, sweeper 556

Seven, multi-functional single-wipe machine(BF521 type)557

Eight, electric tricycle 559

Nine, rickshaw 561


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