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In special cases, the hotel’s planning for the construction of the project is corrected

In special cases, the hotel’s planning for the construction of the project is corrected

During the outbreak, how to adjust the schedule and milestones after the project has safely resumed production

How can the schedule be adjusted after all the plans that have been broken by the 2020 outbreak have recently been discussed by the hotel industry’s founders? Many hotel projects will not have the time reserved for construction, almost always in the race against time, because the longer the hotel is built, the longer the funds that have been invested will sleep.

Many hotel construction projects will continue to compress the originally planned milestones during the hotel construction period so that as far as possible the overall goal of hotel construction can be completed ahead of schedule. So our time has never been spare, never according to the project initially determined by the plan step by step, we are always in constant change through each hotel project goal landing.

“The plan will never catch up with the change …”This is our hotel’s founder’s deepest experience.

This is not only that we have not been able to control the completion of milestones, but more is also the overall goal of the project has been adjusted, is the impact of sleepy funds on the strategic adjustment of the enterprise, this can not blame the leadership, can not blame the boss. As an enterprise, it must abide by the principle of the role of capital in capital markets.

Below, “Jianjiangma”  will discuss with the group some special circumstances or the impact of the outbreak on the hotel construction project, together with the group to discuss the hotel project in the construction phase of the schedule correction management and pay attention to some key content.

First, the tasks, milestones, and overall goals of the schedule

Before adjusting the planning of the hotel’s planning for the project, we must first have a clear understanding of the tasks of the project plan, the impact of milestones on the overall goal, and the importance and status of the milestones and objectives.

Milestones are more important than planned tasks, and milestones guide us to time nodes that focus on important tasks, allowing us to monitor and track how well tasks are planned and are working, helping to ensure that tasks move forward along the right path in the plan, and effectively controlling individual tasks without deviation or delay through the management of milestones.

Milestones are key nodes for achieving the overall goal plan and important phase control nodes on the critical path in the overall project schedule.

In normal project scenarios, the overall goal’s completion time should be constant, and the milestone completion time is likely to deviate during the project implementation process. Effective milestone control, even after the milestone is biased, we should have the work of the next milestone to prepare and prepare for the next milestone to ensure the next milestone.

However, under some special circumstances, such as lack of funds or performance problems or disputes in certain contracts, which have serious implications for the original schedule, or when multiple milestones have been affected so that the overall objectives cannot be achieved, we need to systematically correct the project’s schedule.

As in the impact of this outbreak, the project progress of the systematic correction is relatively complex. Once we understand the overall target completion time adjusted after the impact of the outbreak, we need to conduct a quick mapping of the work. First of all, we should clarify the human, material, and equipment situation, so as to arrange the time nodes of each milestone reasonably, to ensure the feasibility of achieving the overall goal.

Second, the adjustment of milestones

Before we develop a project schedule or adjust milestones, we need to be clear about the difficulties that each milestone will achieve, or the issue points that may affect the milestone. After the difficulty of dismantling the problem, it is not difficult to draw the necessary conditions for concrete implementation. The leading conditions or tasks for each milestone can be flexibly scheduled to determine or adjust the time node for the milestone.

An inverted schedule is the achievement of the milestone’s goal by completing the milestone’s individual predecessors. Each pre-task work layout and preparation needs to be based on evidence, we must plan the construction of each sub-project manpower, materials, equipment, and work surface, and clear the construction relationship between the various professions, confirm the specific task, and assess the importance of the task.

1, the arrangement of different construction surface operations

When planning the construction of the master plan, the manpower, materials, equipment resources, and resources already available for the project must be clearly allocated and scheduled.

For the construction arrangement of different construction surfaces, it is necessary to combine their manpower, materials, and equipment with the construction workload of each professional according to the size of the construction surface, and reasonably arrange the priority level of different construction sites.

2, the same construction surface work arrangements

Hotel project construction, especially in the decoration stage, the construction units of various professions, different types of work will be in the same construction surface in most cases parallel or cross-construction operations, we must be clear those different professional children of the construction must be in order, those can adjust the order; 

Implementation of work surface move or unconventional cross-interspersed work or rear-facing homework, etc. , in the adjustment of such a construction order, must be sent to the relevant units and asked for responsibility to the post, set the penalty standard. Do a good job of reserved operations of the process, responsibility to the professional construction team leader and specific construction personnel.

3, adjust the design and construction plan

The second is the criterion of milestone reality, which is the main condition for measuring the ability to accomplish the stage tasks on a standard basis. Not all projects must be completed to a high standard, and in some exceptional cases, progress may become the first critical  “political”  task.

In order to time the primary goal, we should dare to make design or construction program adjustments, in order to meet the requirements of construction quality acceptance, the construction quality of some children can be moderately reduced standards; Thus compressing the overall construction time, so that some milestones of node time adjustment ahead of time.

Remember: these design or construction program adjustments must be a timely request for the program and get formal approval from the leadership before the implementation.

Of course, in hindsight to anyone you can only say that in such difficult conditions, the project all according to high standards, high quality to achieve the goal, and finally thank the leadership for such support. (Learn for 3 minutes …, haha! )

Third, the controlled management of milestones

After completing the adjustment of the project schedule, it is necessary to establish a monitoring mechanism for the milestones, so that the implementing construction units know their respective construction objectives, and clarify the responsibilities of each construction unit. In the process of monitoring to achieve controlled management, we must do some necessary preparations.

1, the allocation and management of resources

More than just the hotel’s an engineering and construction projects, any project to be completed in a planned manner, reasonable use and deployment of resources are essential. In our hotel project construction project, clear projects can adjust the resources, at any time to grasp the situation of resources in order to achieve all tasks.

Clear the specific human, material, equipment, and other resources of the construction units of each profession, calculate their digestion capacity, in preparation for estimating their engineering output, and can achieve a reasonable quantitative task of engineering volume. To ensure that the capacity of engineering output meets milestone nodes in the schedule, we prepare and layout in advance after calculation, if any resources are insufficient, that need to be resolved in a timely or early manner.

The construction materials and equipment of the project must match the manpower, the working surface must be sufficient, and the construction conditions must be satisfied with the manpower construction. Timely track the quantitative completion of the project volume.

Materials that need to be delivered in batches must be required to be delivered within the agreed time, and advance arrival plans must be made. Materials need to consider the production time of material manufacturers, especially in special cases, such as the end of the year manufacturers concentrated catch-up or this outbreak affects the normal production of manufacturers shipping.

Part of the finished or semi-finished products need off-site processing or order, must be arranged to do a good job in this link of control, video inspection of production progress, if necessary, need to arrange personnel to inspect the factory first, to ensure that time and quality can meet the requirements of the project.

2, set up construction standards and acceptance mechanism

After the project resources have been properly allocated and managed, what is most likely to affect the completion of the milestone node is the wasted time caused by the construction quality of the turn-over work. Project in the construction, the construction team leader of each professional must timely inspection, inspection, timely correction of the wrong construction process and process, the construction resources and construction time be wasted to a minimum. Necessary construction links, supervision must-do side station supervision.

How to do a timely inspection, the inspection must set up a good construction standard and acceptance mechanism to ensure that the construction process, construction process, and construction quality meet the project requirements.

The construction standards and acceptance mechanisms set are the best ready-mades and directly comparable construction models. Complete the construction process model in advance as a large area of construction guidance and check acceptance, or in a child’s first batch of construction, immediately do a good job of process bottoming, instant confirmation of the quality of the small area model. Avoid wasted time and resources due to incorrect construction causing rework.

Construction personnel test or examination on duty, especially when doing decoration children to show the effect of hotel space, and in order to catch up with the project to supplement the new construction staff. To ensure the smooth progress of the project construction, but also do a good job of the quality of the construction control, so as to export high-quality hotel projects.

Of course, in exceptional circumstances, under the requirements of ensuring that the relevant design and construction planning and hotel requirements are met, the standards set should be appropriate and, if necessary, relaxed.

3, responsibility to the post, awards, and penalties can be relied upon

The completion of a project is the completion of the result. The implementation of a schedule, regardless of how it is implemented or how it is implemented, is also about achieving one small goal after another for the outcome of the milestone, thus accomplishing each key task. In order to be manageable and controllable, it is necessary to set up a reward and punishment mechanism to help each task to be carried out and completed.

In the implementation of the construction program, it is important to do a good job of in-depth communication with the professional construction units, to avoid their own behind closed doors to build cars. Reasonable to quantify work tasks within their maximum ability at least should form the assignment and inspection of weekly work tasks.

When identifying the award and penalty scheme for each milestone, it is necessary to take responsibility to the construction units of each profession. If necessary, you can even set the time node of the weekly work task as the reward and penalty, and award the penalty to the post.

Of course, not all projects will also be rewarded with a budget that can be conditional on bonuses and other resources. Such as other project cooperation, or access to the company or enterprise’s cooperative resources information base as a reward.

Fourth, schedule and milestone meetings

The scheduled meeting is not just a seminar to blame for the deviation of progress, to correct the plan, and to propose new planning tasks. Must be handed over to the follow-up work arrangements detailed, each progress meeting must have the construction of manpower, materials, equipment distribution of preparation and arrangements, to achieve constant emphasis and attention to achieve the conditions for achieving the goal.

Testing milestones is a great way to achieve each milestone goal, and from time to time, milestone meetings remind and clarify the tasks and time nodes for each milestone or the nodes for milestone goals. Even if the milestone is successfully completed, the milestone meeting should not be canceled and morale should be boosted in a timely manner.

Milestone meetings are set up based on the milestone time node, and milestone meetings must be held in a timely manner when the milestone meeting is reached, especially when milestone correction or change is made. Find the cause of the lag in tasks prior to milestones, find solutions, and identify solutions. and specific programs for new milestones and target completion.

Ensure the integrity of milestone meetings by implementing them in a timely manner in accordance with the established reward and penalty mechanism. Let the teams of the relevant units of each profession have a sense of urgency, let them know that the final completion of our hotel project, is through each battle on the battlefield to achieve victory.

V. Notes on the implementation of the schedule

In the course of the implementation of the project’s construction schedule, there will be various accidents and difficulties. Accidents can be uncontrollable external factors, or they can be adjustable. The factors that can be adjusted must be a responsive, timely and trim program, decisive implementation and implementation;

Safe construction, civilized production will always be our first task to prepare professional managers, all our efforts must comply with this task in order to make our efforts continue to be valuable.

In addition, all professional construction units must be a common goal, to the completion of the final goal of the task as a common pride and humiliation. This is not only driven by the ultimate interests of all parties but also to prepare professional managers to play Tai Chi, do a good job of the project’s “adjuster”.   Sometimes even cajoling, eating, drinking and playing can also reflect our hotel to build professional managers of the highest quality personality charm.


Finally, “Jianjiangma”  suggested that the recent group should pay close attention to the impact of the epidemic on our company itself, some information can allow us to predict in advance that possible changes will also affect the project, so we as professional managers should think in advance about possible changes in response to the company’s adjustment, reasonable control of the implementation process of the project, Reflect our important position in the workplace.

In addition, “Jianjiangma” is here to share with the group on the project progress management of the two points of experience.

1, is to make short-term goals so that everyone is imprinted in the shell of the brain

The first and second control target nodes are the ones of management, and the three-level target nodes are the one-line supervision and construction of the team managers. Therefore, not just to the entire schedule to the construction units, but to each stage of the second or third level of the milestone schedule separately organized, and requires posting to the project site outside the office obvious, and to achieve timely updates. Let the construction team leader and all the workers pass by clearly see the short-term goals.

2, when the task is difficult, refine the decomposition;

That is: when the task is difficult, you can split the task into more small, controllable tasks, when the task is large, you need to be specific to the day unit to digest the task. When the standard is set, the requirements for manpower, materials, and equipment are clear, and the implementation and control can be carried out in an orderly manner according to plan.


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