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How should the cost management of construction enterprises be realized?

Low cost and high efficiency is the eternal pursuit of construction enterprises, in strengthening project cost management, improve the level of project profitability, there are two major factors, namely: root cause problems and technical problems, such as the consumption of human resources, material resources, and expenses to guide, supervise, adjust and limit, timely control and correction of impending and already occurring deviations, the cost of control within the prescribed range, By implementing dynamic cost control, you can ensure maximum project profitability.


Projects tend to be “lost” rather than   “lost”

1, is the objective external causes lead to poor coordination of the loss

Due to natural conditions, poor construction environment, and the total package / poor coordination of owners and other reasons, the project to ensure the duration, schedule of additional investment, resulting in losses, although such projects for the enterprise has won a reputation, the loyalty of its managers should not be questioned, but managers should comprehensively consider the previous adverse factors, for the claim changes to lay the foundation for the benefit of the project.

2, is the “human disaster”  caused by the loss

This kind of loss, the harm to the company is fatal, the project management department is the foundation of the company, the fundamental source of financial resources, is the core of the company’s survival and development, focus.

If a profitable, well-equipped project, under the leadership of a “private desire to expand, profit-seeking managers”,  the company is ultimately “dumb eat yellow even bitter can not say”, in the face of the mess only  “to lay down teeth and blood swallowing.” This is a “human disaster”.    How can this situation be discussed as “strengthening cost management and improving the profitability of projects”?

3, is due to the management level caused by the process out of control of the loss

In the company’s development, the need for a large number of talent, which is beyond reproach, however, in the process of using talent, we have some places to promote the taste of seeding, talent reuse is a good thing, however,  “rocket-style” Overspeed use, resulting in some of our manager’s basic knowledge is not solid, not comprehensive insufficient practice, resulting in the situation is that theory and practice out of touch. Can only do in school, dry middle school, to explore.

From this reflects two kinds of situations, one is: some people can sink seriously and pragmatic, the project is done well, well managed, personal skills, management level has been improved and strengthened;

Of course, it can not be said that only the project manager’s responsibility, the project management process out of control, is the project from the top-down caused by the project losses.


To curb the loss of the project, to cure the disease

From the current situation of enterprise management, especially from the project management, most enterprises pay more attention to quality, safety, progress control, how to strengthen cost management has not yet formed a set of effective methods. For cost management, it is purely an internal management problem of enterprise and project department, if you can make some efforts to control effectively in these areas, you can make cost management become a rooted “wood”.   

1, the pre-bid stage: by the final accounter to complete the bidding/clearing of the basic data collection work and “initial cost”  calculation

Bid match

Project manager, final accounting staff to participate in the company’s organization of the tender documents review, site survey work, according to the spirit of the tender documents combined with the actual situation on the site to organize a survey report, as the necessary documents for the pre-project review, survey report from the project overview, site surrounding situation, civil construction and installation unit progress, keyspace, owners or the head of the total package unit communication and other six aspects to explain.

Measure costs back-to-back

Whether it is the fixed unit price, fixed total price, or EPC (design and construction integration)  settlement model, according to the existing drawings combined with the site situation to calculate the true cost of the project (people, materials, machines, fees), the measurement process in the project department,  Bidding Department for the workload, material unit price, labor costs, measures, such as their calculations, the final summary analysis to find out the differences of children, analysis of the reasons, reached an agreement.

Check the list of tenders

Items with a tender list, whether total price contract or unit price contract, should check the quantity, item, and characteristic description (process) of the important list sub-purpose, clear the tender process to find the questions in the tender list, agree whether to answer questions and prepare for the bidding strategy.

Analysis of bid strategy

The Bidding Department organizes the pre-bid planning meeting to determine the bidding strategy by studying the settlement mode of the contract in the tender documents, the adjustment and change mode of the contract price, etc., and all the work should be carried out around “how to successful the bid”.  

2, the project construction stage: cost control is the key link of the whole process control of the construction project

Secondary clearing (quote)

After the project bid, the company needs to organize the project manager and the deepening designer to complete the work of the full exhibition, the company organizes the final accounting personnel according to the full exhibition plan and tender bottom, in preparation for the later business planning.

Pre-planning meeting

Analysis of the data after clearing the standard, sorting loss, profit children, through product construction, optimization of the construction process, optimization of the main material, and other measures to ensure the project cost target. Business planning is an important part of the overall planning of the project, from the performance planning, profit and loss analysis planning, process planning, data planning, and other aspects of the start, the process of timely correction.

Contract evaluation, negotiation

According to the situation of pre-inquiry and price limit, the project department and the purchasing department choose to negotiate with each candidate supplier to determine the best cost-effective supplier.

Data collection, inspection

In the process of collecting and checking relevant information (drawing triage, owner’s instruction slip, owner’s change order, contact list, concealed document, inspection document, visa slip, signed price list, meeting minutes, completion plan, etc.), the information should be carried forward to form a closed loop, for the future final accounts audit to lay a solid foundation.

Supplier payment control

According to the supplier delivery volume, combined with the project funds situation, reasonable control payment situation, the project in the construction process need to pay attention to the timeliness and reasonableness of supplier payments, put an end to overpayment of cash.  

Internal audit dynamic cost docking

When the site is closed, check the amount of work implemented with the relevant supplier promptly. Carry out an internal audit of the supplier that completed the delivery step by step to the 80% stage

3, project audit stage: project audit to control the cost, ensure the quality of the construction process, effective use of actual resources is of great significance

Internal audit reconciliation

After completion, all suppliers are required to submit settlement information to the company promptly, and the project department conducts a preliminary audit and submits it to the internal audit department for settlement audit to determine labor, materials, expenses, and other costs.

Audit planning

“A thousand is not as good as a calculation”, the bidding stage will do a good job of planning for the audit, the project construction process to improve the closed-loop of economic information. After the completion of the project, the completion map should be drawn promptly, the completion map needs to correspond to the bidding list process or the changed process. According to the contract terms of the project, economic information, calculated project break-even point for audit planning.

The audit is final

Project audit normally needs to go through the first draft, final two processes, after the completion of the first draft audit needs to analyze the dispute data, update the audit planning ideas, and organize the information as far as possible to achieve the ideal data objectives. After the final decision needs to combine the pre-planning, audit planning for the project audit summary sharing, re-entry promotion.


No talent, everything is zero

Where does talent come from?

How did the technology come about? It depends on talent.

Where’s the talent? It’s in your own business.

Dot two cancellations in the look


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